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Dance degree Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Valencia (Spain)
Refinement year at The Place - London Contemporary Dance School (UK)
Degree in Pedagogy - University of Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain)
Postgraduate studies Performing Art & Social Action - Institut del Teatre (Catalonia/ Spain)
Expertise in Performing Arts & Pshycodrama - Institut del Teatre (Catalonia/ Spain)

Specialized certificate in corporal work with young people in school context and social/community context - Seneca Intensiv (Germany)


Work experience

   - As a Dancer/Performer -   

Freelance dancer in projects since 2006 

Dancer in Cia.EnJazz

Dancer of Maria Ferrer & Aurélien Darbellay Jazz Project 

Dancer of Mind the Beat Dance Company:  Vernacular Jazz | Swing Dance

Until The Real Thing Comes Along Online Performance Project

Dancer for Binominale Project | Bertille Laguet & Sherwin Rio

Dancer of  Cia. Maria Carbonell for "Origen"

Dancer of La Veronal for " Pájaros Muertos"

Dancer for choreographer Sílvia Verges performance project.

Dancer of Teatres de la Generalitat Valenciana & Cuban National Ballet for " Shakespeare y sus Máscaras"

Dancer of Cia. Enambar Danza | Cristina Gomez for " Flow. no 3"

Dancer of Cia Nouvelle Epoque for " L'oblit " and "De pelicula"

Dancer & Co Founder of Cia Improntas " Huellas"
Dancer for Chaim Gebber for performance Project "The space in between"

Dancer for festival V.E.O, Valencia Escena Oberta

Dancer for Producción y Desarrollos Creativo - Big entertainment show.






Artistic accompaniment aimed at incorporating artistic practice through the body and movement into the educational project of the Santiago Rusiñol school in the Prosperitat neighbourhood, in the Nou Barris district. 



Premi Carretera i Dansa APdC 2021

Performing Art project and a Dance Piece with young people from vulnerable contexts.

In collaboration with Pla d'Acollida de Poble Sec x tothom & CC El sortidor (2021-2022)) and APdC (2022)


Cia. EnJazz -

Dance company directed by Maria Ferrer & Aurélien Darbellay​


Backbeat Performance Project

Backbeat is a swiss association that promote and care about afroamerican vernacular jazz dances and their music. Once a year we put together a dance performance with people with or without dance background


Collective Las Anónimas |RESIST'ART | Indomites

The collective Las Anonimas, of which I am co-founder and Xamfra won the 25N award (2019) from the Barcelona City Council. The result of this award was Indòmites. A show, radical and passionate against sexist violence. A show of music, dance and theater created and starred by more than 120 young people and children from Xamfrà, Raval Music and Scene Center, Premiered at the Sala Barts and within the "Feminismes" cycle of the CCCB



A youth dance piece about swing culture and its history premiered at the Strahl Theater in Berlin.

Choreography: Maria Ferrer and Be Van Vark 






As an Artistic Director/Choreographer/ Project Management

As a movement director's assistant or Artistic collaborations 

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Die Orchestermäuse - Education-Projekte Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt

Assistant director of movement and scene of Be van Vark in the Educational Artistic Project of the Brandenburgischen Staatsorchesters Frankfurt where three hundred students from Polish and german schools between the ages of 6 and 17 were involved.


Kontraste - UmTanz 

 Yeri Anarika's assistant director of movement and scene in a Humboldt primary and secondary school artistic project in the preparation of a dance theater piece that was presented in May 2015 at the Volksbühne within the framework of the Humboldt week.



Artistic collaboration with the participants of Vulnus, a workshop about the vulnerability and the spaces between us



Community projects related to movement with families and elders. Directed by Juan Eduardo Lopez.




As Educator | Movement | Jazz | Others


Permanent Vernacular Dance Classes at: El Taller -Swing Dance Club (Barcelona) & Backbeat (Geneva) 
International Workshops around Europe, alone and together with Aurélien Darbellay

Creative Movement & Danza en Familia at Swiss School (Barcelona)

Online Classes project: Until The Real Thing Comes Along

Other collaborations: Longo Raum Dance School, La Galeria Dansa, B-Swing!, Lar&Lev, Can Travi.




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